31 Pace CtHiramGeorgia 30141, United States

Hale          Automotive


Hale Automotive is the only Amsoil retailer in Paulding County. We offer a wide variety or synthetic oils including Amsoil Signature Series for your every day use, Z-Rod oils for your classic, even diesel and transmission fluids. Amsoil can last longer than most standard synthetic oils with up to 25,000 mile oil change intervals while still cleaning and performing at its peak. Call us about scheduling an appointment for an Amsoil oil change.

We offer a wide variety of tires from light highway tires to aggressive off road tires. Call us and get a quote on a new set today!

Tires come with a manufactures warranty at a prorated price and we offer an in house road hazard warranty that covers repairs on tires that we sell. 

Only a few of the tires we offer are shown here. Call us today for a quote on tires or let us know if there is something specific you're looking for!